Geschäftsbericht der Lindenhofgruppe 2021
Thema Fachgebiet Ansprechperson Lindenhofgruppe Kooperationspartner / Sponsor Supportive effect of intravitreal corticosteroids in neovascular AMD insufficiently responsive to anti-VEGF drugs (Real-Life Outcomes of adjunct intravitreal Dexamethasone Implant in Patients treated with anti-VEGF for Diabetic Macular Edema and Exudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration) Ophthalmologie Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg Kammerwasser- und Glaskörperdiagnostik bei Augenerkrankungen mit möglicher entzündlicher Komponente (2019-00651) Ophthalmologie Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg Prospektive Kohortenstudie zum Vergleich verschiedener anti-VEGF-Therapien (2020-01847) Ophthalmologie Prof. Dr. med. Justus G. Garweg Mortality after intramedullary nailing of extraarticular proximal femoral fractures in patients with or without direct oral anticoagulation (DOAC) Orthopädie DR. med. Benjamin Rufer Campus Stiftung Lindenhof Bern (SLB) Comparison of radiographic fusion rate and clinical outcome of standalone anterior lumbar interbody fusion L5/S1 performed with either recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 or ViviGen® Cellular Bone Matrix, a prospective randomized single blind, monocentric trial Orthopädie Dr. med. Peter Diel Campus Stiftung Lindenhof Bern (SLB) Can Vitamin C reduce the risk of postoperative shoulder stiffness after shoulder operations? A mono-center, double-blinded, randomized and placebo-controlled study Orthopädie PD Dr. med. Nyffeler Richard Campus Stiftung Lindenhof Bern (SLB) Vergleich der Re-Rupturraten bei der mittels Ligamystechnik versorgten Rupturen des vorderen Kreuzbandes der Jahre 2013 und 2018 Orthopädie PD Dr. med. Philipp Henle Campus Stiftung Lindenhof Bern (SLB) Post-operative outcomes of pain management in spinal fusion surgery (STX-101) Orthopädie Prof. Dr. med. Lorin Michael Benneker Sentrix, Campus Stiftung Lindenhof Bern (SLB) Massive but functional rotator cuff tear can be repaired with satisfactory results using synthetic patch augmentation Orthopädie Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Zumstein Campus Stiftung Lindenhof Bern Clinical and radiological Outcomes of Medacta Shoulder System Orthopädie Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Zumstein Medacta, Campus Stiftung Lindenhof Bern (SLB) Multicentric, single-arm, two-phase, prospective trial to assess the efficacy and safety of an anatomic total shoulder system (MIRROR). Orthopädie Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Zumstein Medacta, Campus Stiftung Lindenhof Bern (SLB) The effect of PARP1 on the infraspinatus tendon following rotator cuff tear; Early Degenerative Changes after Rotator Cuff Tear in the Infraspinatus Muscle of PARP-1 Knock-Out Mice (PARP1 A, PARP1B) Orthopädie Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Zumstein Universität Bern, Stiftung Lindenhof Bern, Campus Stiftung Lindenhof Bern (SLB); Swiss-wide multicenter evaluation and prediction of core outcomes in arthroscopic rotator cuff reconstruction (ARCR) Orthopädie Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Zumstein Universitätsspital Basel, Campus Stiftung Lindenhof Bern (SLB) 85 Geschäftsbericht 2021 Lindenhofgruppe Lehre und Forschung
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